How to Legally Get Married in Michigan: A Complete Guide

10 Legal Questions About Getting Married in Michigan

Question Answer
1. Do we need a marriage license to get married in Michigan? Oh, definitely! Definitely need marriage license knot beautiful state Michigan. It`s like the golden ticket to your fairytale wedding. Make apply least 33 before magical day!
2. Can we get married at any location in Michigan? Michigan is your oyster when it comes to choosing a wedding location. You exchange on beach Lake Michigan, enchanting forests Peninsula. World wedding venue!
3. Are age restrictions married Michigan? You`ve be 18 old hitched Michigan parental consent. But hey, knows bounds, right? If 16 17, need parent legal guardian nod approval.
4. Do we need witnesses at our wedding ceremony? Oh, yes! It`s like starring in your very own romantic movie. You need at least two witnesses to sign your marriage certificate. Call besties relatives let part love story!
5. Do take blood test getting married Michigan? No Michigan require blood marriage. Skip needle just focus gazing partner`s eyes instead.
6. Can we get married in Michigan if we`re already married to someone else? Sorry, Bigamy no-go Michigan. Married someone else marry sweetheart. Let`s keep it monogamous, shall we?
7. How soon can we get married after getting the marriage license? After you score that precious marriage license, you have to wait at least 3 days before getting hitched. It`s countdown best day life!
8. Can we have a friend or family member officiate our wedding in Michigan? Yes, you can! Michigan allows for friend and family-member officiated weddings, but they need to be ordained or designated by a religious organization. Time pick charming person lead ceremony!
9. What are the legal requirements for changing my name after marriage in Michigan? If you`re looking to take on your partner`s last name or create a whole new combo, Michigan makes it a breeze. Just use that marriage certificate as your ticket to a brand-new name! Go on, be a Mrs. SomeoneNew!
10. Are same-sex marriages legal in Michigan? Absolutely! Love is love, and Michigan recognizes and celebrates same-sex marriages. Time to embrace love in all its forms!

How to Legally Get Married in Michigan

married beautiful exciting, comes tying knot great Michigan. Stunning views historic venues, countless couples say “I do” Midwestern gem. Before headfirst planning, important understand requirements married Michigan.

Marriage License Requirements

One steps legally married Michigan obtaining marriage license. Key obtaining marriage license state:

Requirement Details
Residency Michigan residency is not required.
Age Both parties must be at least 18 years old. If either party is 16 or 17 years old, parental consent is required.
Identification Valid government-issued ID, such driver’s or passport, required.
Application Both parties apply marriage license together county clerk’s office.

Waiting Period Fees

Once marriage license obtained, three-day waiting marriage take place. However, waiting period waived additional fee. Marriage license valid 33 from date issuance.

Officiants Witnesses

In Michigan, the following individuals are authorized to perform marriage ceremonies:

  • Clergy members
  • Judges
  • Magistrates
  • Municipal clerks
  • Religious societies

Additionally, two witnesses who are at least 18 years old must be present at the marriage ceremony.

Final Thoughts

With its picturesque landscapes and vibrant culture, Michigan provides a perfect backdrop for couples to celebrate their love and commitment. Understanding requirements married Michigan, couples ensure special day magical legally binding.

Legal Requirements for Marriage in Michigan

In order to legally get married in the state of Michigan, certain legal requirements must be met. This contract outlines the necessary steps and obligations for individuals seeking to enter into a legally recognized marriage in Michigan.

Parties Marriage The individuals seeking to enter into a legally recognized marriage in the state of Michigan.
Legal Capacity Both parties must be at least 18 years of age, or 16-17 years of age with parental consent. Parties must not be closely related by blood or adoption, and must have the mental capacity to understand the nature of marriage.
Marriage License A marriage license must be obtained from the county clerk`s office in Michigan. License valid 33 days date application.
Authorized Officiant The marriage ceremony must be performed by an individual authorized to solemnize marriages in Michigan, such as a judge, magistrate, or ordained minister.
Witnesses At least two witnesses must be present at the marriage ceremony and sign the marriage license.
Legal Formalities All legal formalities, including the signing and filing of the marriage license, must be completed in accordance with Michigan law.

By entering into this contract, the parties acknowledge and agree to comply with all legal requirements for marriage in the state of Michigan.